Ialoveni Youth Joining “Making The Change Through Social Theater”: “The Ugly Duckling”

The Access students from Ialoveni have staged their own interpretation of “The Ugly Duckling”, the well-known story that dwells upon discrimination, gossiping and the boundaries imposed by the society you live in. The children from “Casa Gavroche” orphanage have learned that they should not be mean to each other and that the internal beauty is the one that really matters, and not the external one. They also learned some funny dances from their visitors. This project has brought only positive emotions to all the people who have been involved.

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You can read the script of this play below:

Orhei Youth Joining “Making the Change Through Social Theater”- “The Rainbow”

The Access students from Orhei represented the play entitled “The Rainbow” which was meant to highlight a very relevant problem in our society: inefficient time management. The students staged a play that explains why black and white colors are not included in the rainbow. The story says that these two colors were late when the Sun came to the classroom to invite his friends, the Colors, who were at school, to create something very unique and beautiful for people.

This play was represented at “Casa Gavroche” orphanage from Chisinau. In addition to that, the Access students decided to teach the kids some dances that they learned during the Access summer camp. The little children were very happy to have our students as their guests.





Below, you can find the script the students wrote:

Straseni Youth joining “Making the Change through Social Theater” : “The Story of an Envious Cloud”

The group of students from Straseni decided to teach the children what is mutual work, collaboration, and team spirit. They represented the story of a small, envious cloud that wants to be as big as his neighbor. In order to do that, the small cloud starts to collect all the water inside of him, and doesn’t give rain to the people and Nature. He does that till one day when he explodes and becomes even smaller than he used to be at the beginning. Then, the cloud is taken in another country by the wind. Being all alone there, the cloud understands his mistake and starts to do what a cloud has to, and shares the rain with people, trees, and flowers. Only by sharing the goods he has, the cloud succeeds in making the people happy, and makes his country a very beautiful and prosperous one.

They represented their play to the children from kindergarten nr. 8 “Albinuta” from Chisinau. The students liked to be actors very much, while the little spectators enjoyed the play. They all had a lot of fun!


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Below, you can find the script of the play that the students wrote by themselves:

Social Theater Performances Elaboration

When working on the planning stage, participants followed the stages below:

  1. Get ready- get to know your community and your partners and build relationships.
  2. Plan-create a vision and plan for where you want to go.
  3. Implement- take actions to make your community stronger.
  4. Sustain- reflect, improve and make connections so your work will last. IMG_20140725_094614750 IMG_20140722_161451107_HDRIMG_20140808_080255597

Social Theater Training

Social Theater Trainings:

Trainings on the importance of youth civic engagement and social theater were organized for each of the regional teams. The trainers were representatives from Access Microscholarship Program Alumni, Peace Corps Volunteers and local NGOs.

The trainings followed the models presented by A.R.T. Fusion Association (www.artfusion.ro, www.teatruforum.ro/docs/Re-Creeaza%20ARTitudinea%20prin%20Teatru%20Forum%20-%20Ghid%20Practic.pdf)  and Theatre of the Oppressed Training Manual by Michael Shank.

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Social Theater Training Syllabus